Renewal for Red Deer
Check out my platform, latest interviews, personal community interviews, and upcoming events & news!
Have Questions?
I want to create alliances within our community to address our largest issues, to look to the future of our great city. Please feel free to contact me.

My platform
If you would like to know more about my platform and my hope to bring renewal to Red Deer, please click the link below.
Candidate Meet and Greet.
2021 Candidate Meet and Greet with the Golden Circle.
The Golden Circle hosted a “Meet the Candidate” Zoom series for their membership and the general public. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the candidates, hear more regarding their platforms, and have an open discussion on the City of Red Deer’s future.
Questions from the community.
I have been receiving emails from residents that wish to hear my views to the questions they have. I have posted their questions and my responses. If you wish to contact me with your questions, please do not hesitate to do so.
Upcoming Events & News!
These are upcoming events and news. Click the link below for more details.

My story
My name is Hans Huizing, and I have lived in Red Deer for over 40 years. As we are moving towards a post-COVID world, I would like the opportunity to help build a strong Red Deer community again. We can do this together. I have been a teacher for 28 years and am currently a principal for RDPSD at Escuela Vista Grande. I have sat on many local and provincial committees for the ATA, my church, and several local organizations. I want to create alliances within the city to tackle some of our largest issues, build bridges between community members and forge coalitions that will look to the future of our great city. Click the link below to get to know me more and why I am running for City Council.